look up!


Black and White

I had a great wedding season this summer… find snippets on my facebook www.facebook.com/rayadesol! Here is one of my favourite black and whites! With the old homesteader original house on the land still, I thought nothing would be more appropriate than a good homesteader shot.  This one’s for the kids!

14-07-Kayla and Evan-488-2


For 48 Hours Only: Holy Ghost

I had to share this with you all!

Saturday night was beautiful! I love this guys vision and I creid when I watched it, the beautiful things God is doing all across the globe. He loves people! Movie starts after around 50 min, however if you want to see Brian ‘Head’ Welch from the band KORN on the stage helping to lead worship… watch the set =) #holyghostmovie



Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 1.52.06 PM

Mumford Saves Lives

I went mountain biking today for the first time. Due to active bear activity we had to make a little noise as we rode down some less than kept trails… and yes I do have a some scrapes and a branch drew some blood on my thigh. Nonetheless as I rode, in glee and bliss through the wild BC forest I could only think on one song to sing.. and here it is. Song of the day. Thank god for Mumford & Sons.. You pretty much saved my life today.
And yes.. I’m now jonesing to have my very own mountain bike.. what’s a girl to do when she lives close to the mountains… please Jesus!

Costa with the Mosta

I’m currently at the airport in Denver, they are just calling us to get our documents checked and we are off.. about to board! It has been a tremendous 20 hours so far.  I’ve been trying to beat my throbbing sinuses with sudefed and vitamin C.

Feel free to be praying for me! When we arrive we will be meeting up with some friends and team members and expecting God to continue to do great things.  We’ve already had some cool encounters in the airport!

Thanks for all the Love and Support! There’s my gate call!

Pura Vida!


Just a Good idea

A friend showed me this article and I thought.. now that is just a good idea. The spirituality of snowboarding! what’s next.. .. Surfing? Dad, can I get my masters in that?

Fav quote by Elliot from the article:

“We need to help people see that we’re a community and not an institution,”  Right on it!
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/Anglican+priest+earns+doctorate+spirituality+snowboarding/4389122/story.html#ixzz1Gq0bSnRo

Hello Arcata

First day in Arcata/Eureka/Fortuna (the North Cali Coast) has been good.  We arrived with our team, began building relationship here.  After lunch, we talked a bit on the presence and the prophetic and released our people and their people to love on one another through that.

We then scoped out into the town, talked and prayed for a Tibet rug owner and the raddest coffee shop yet. Who knew there was such things as white coffee? Fully loving this town… i must make to to the beach soon!

In the evening, at our host home, our lovely hospitable host Carol let us know she has had fibromyalgia for the past 15 years and no cartilage in her thorastic disks.  She was continually in pain and having back spasms. The two girls and I staying there prayed for her and her pain decreased and spasms stopped! Yay Jesus! We shall see what happens as the week progresses!

Thanks for praying.  I’m having tons of fun seeing our team step into new things, getting breakthrough, and being activated in things that were formally only ideas.  Love you all.  Blessing and increase!

Old Town Eureka:

Valentines Day Special!

A few days later…

This song has been in my head since I saw this movie pretty much. So I felt the need to share it with you all.  And my roommate and some of my good friends made it. Don’t stop believing …


I’m on FB!

Lately? what have I been doing? Oh gosh a myrid of things.. went wake surfing in Feb..  had a dance party on the back of a boat, ran a human trafficking film and art event.  Among all those things I have had people around me believing in me and encouraging me.  I think those have been two of the most powerful things lately… Anyways one thing I would love to share with all you, my avid readers is I now have a “jennifer Elizabeth Photography” fb page! wohoo.. you should all “like” it.  Oh this world.

First the blog, and now I’m on fb.. what will come next? an actual website? Stay tuned…


Inspiration for the Day

Just passing it on.

Commitment Defined

Inspiration for the day!

Photo Cred:  Jaimee Turner

Visionaries giving Vision

vision gives pain a purpose and family gives vision a purpose –Ross Bodenmann

What are we doing if we aren’t doing it with people? I find at Bethel I have continual true revelations of what it means to live in covenant community and family.  What is means to lay your life down for a friend.  I would rather serve another man’s vision in covenant relationship, than pursue my own vision alone.  And in my life, it’s more than a thought, it’s constant reality.  But so real, that my life is more fulfilling than it could ever be alone.  In the end, I get to pursue my vision as well, serving one another seems to just work out that way, but it’s not the goal, it’s just the cherry on top.

Got the shakes?

Everything that can be shaken is being shaken.  Earthquakes, economic instability, my summer…  It’s a season of foundations.  I’ve had to go back and establish, like really see it built there inside of me, what do I believe about God? who is He in my life?  Does he really provide?  Can I trust him?  i have no place to live, i have no computer, i have no minutes left on my phone, i left my wallet somewhere twice today… i drove around for an hour to find everything closed, and i couldn’t even get gas.. (b/c i didnt have my wallet) so really accomplished nothing… the list goes on.. i haven’t always responded correctly but today i laugh and laugh and laugh… I will face all things with joy… Jesus did when he went to the cross.. it just seems better that way.

I have good news! I got my wallet back twice, we found a house we love, now we just have to get accepted, and I have a temp computer for a week, and scores of people are hooking me up with help getting my old one fixed.  Good things are happening everyday.  I just sat in the hot tub tonight and was thankful, even if they seem like small things.  It prepares the way for increase.  Jesus gave thanks for the bread and it multiplied.  What are you thankful for today??

My new world

My new world is one of making social justice happen.  Site of the day!  I loved what they had to say about justice!


It’s all we think about.  And it’s all we do.

Around the office, our focus is fairly simple: to do justice.  On the ground, our projects make this more than just a lofty ideal.  Justice is a tangible substance.  It feels like clean, cold water running through a village for the first time.  It tastes like a hot bowl of rice during a famine.  It looks like an 8-year-old girl wearing play clothes instead of a military uniform.

Our partners are unswervingly dedicated to effecting justice in the parts of the world where tragedy and suffering may never make news headlines.  Where it is too risky to promise success.  And where it is simply unacceptable not to try.


Mark it Denmark

So… I´m in Denmark: getting over jetlag, eating way to mcuh food, and  not really understanding most of what is being said around me 90% of the time.  But this journey is some sort of reclaimation of things of the past, reconciliation things of the present, and dreaming possibilities for the future. .  Will you guys keep me in your prayers? And pray for some good weather.. i want some sun!

Love you all! God Nat (good night in danish)

Happy Father’s Day

My dad has been such an influence and encouragement to me.  He is strong, soft, wise, and hardworking. Happy Father’s Day Dad.

my dad is the one i look exactly like

The Devil can go to hell… (Updated)

Because I love you all so much, and I love my people… I have another prayer request to post.  Thanks for reading and praying.. Jesus meant it when He said some stuff that He said.  Anyways,

A good friend of mine who I have been praying for for over a year has just been given two weeks to live.  ALS is trying to take her life.  Her name is Wendy.  She is a mom to 5 and a grandma to 4.

Let me know if you get anything as well.. blessings my friends.

So a few of us went, worshipped, and prayed last night.  We did everything the Holy Spirit led us to do.  The presence of Jesus in the room was amazing.  We sang over her lots.  The Lord was also speaking about the things He still has her to do on this earth.  There was so much peace as we were praying.  Heaven came to earth, and there is still so much more to access.  The armies of people praying move heaven.  Thanks.

I await good news…

A quick prayer request from my good friend Madeleine.

—Everyone please pray for my little brother. He suffered a pretty bad head injury and is in the hospital still unconscious. Docs are saying its not looking good.—

His name is Joseph.

Our God is good and when He was on earth He healed all that came to Him. (Acts 10:38). … and then He left earth and gave US the power and authority the Father had given Him.

Joseph with his mom and two of his sisters at the wedding...

To All My Canadian Homies

I’m coming home soon!  I’m thinking I’ll be rolling in around May 20th.

Last 2 weeks of school… full of homework, transition, figuring out my internship next year, and saying bye to some of the best friends in the world.  Lots of them are following their dreams all over the world next year… wow.

Here are a few pics from Sarah’s visit… canada in cali =)

warm enough to go to the lake

sun plus snow

kids playing under the sundial... a spot that reminds me of the bow

For Life

I was inspired by this today and a wonderful lifelong friend of mine.  So I share…  catch the breeze!

(oh perfect moment for inspiration amidst 2 papers and a Bible assignment =)

also my parent got given a computer.. which is no small thing in Africa! thanks for all the prayers/thoughts/concerns!

I’m never going to stop having fun and I’m never going to stop being inspired.. I think those are core values of mine.


I’ve been having the best week, no time schedules, no plans, but lots of action and little rest at the most wonderful family’s house… the Hamborgs, their kinda a big deal i think.  They also own their own skate company.. http://www.hamboards.com

I don’t have any photos on my computer yet from my trip, mostly because my hard drive is full.  Here’s a shot i took at Shasta one day probably in February. Luke was killin it.

Resurrection Day

Arrived in Huntington beach at 1:30 am this morning, went to sunrise service at the wedge, saw an old friend, experienced an earthquake, and easter with the Hamborgs!  It’s been a wonderful day! and Jesus is alive!

Good Day

It’s Good Friday!  Jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross.  It’s the ultimate conglomeration of sad and happy.  I guess the ultimate of enduring.  It’s been a good day.

Sun going down at the Sundial

Valley of Indecision

I feel I’m in the valley of indecision.  not because I have the inability to make a decision, but I have so many coming at me at one time. Some that affect a significant portion of my future.  What internship for next year, go to weddings or not, book flights or not, go to europe with my mom or not, where should I work for the summer, what should I do with my car, eat breakfast or not… then if I want to what should I eat? Where is the oxygen?

Well it is April 1st. So I guess I will just laugh a bit.

sick baby…

some dear friends from my church at home, quick update from them, I thought i would rally the lovers of God to prayer…

Here’s an update from G.

“Please pray for 1 year old Jeremiah, son of Marlo and Jean, and child of God.

Jeremiah was struck suddenly by a virus that attacked his brain, particularly the center that controls breathing and swallowing. His pupils are unresponsive to light and MRI reveals brain damage.  In the natural, the prognosis is good but Jeremiah’s family and spiritual family are believing for a miracle.  Another MRI will be done tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. Calgary time after which the doctors will make a decision about whether or no to continue with further treatment.  Jeremiah’s testimony holds two miraculous healings … one in utero and the other through the hands of skilled surgeons.  Prophecies indicate that he will be like the Jeremiah of old … his suffering to date testifies to this.  Please join us in prayer as we cry out for his healing and express our thanks to the LORD for his full recovery.”

my love and prayers are with you… if you want to send any thoughts/prayers/encouragements send them my way and i’ll forward them on .. love you all.. words change worlds… keep on changing the world!