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Social Justice

You are Stronger

My dear friend Kate Hurley wrote this: It was beautiful and so inspirational, I wanted to share it! … Also she has written a book… feel free to check her site!

ImageYou Are Stronger Than You Think You Are

Yesterday,in Mexico where I am teaching at a YWAM base, I went to a home for labor trafficked girls from 6-8 years old and sex trafficked girls from about 10-20 years old for about 8 hours. My team and I were giving a well deserved break to the ladies that worked there.Putting these beautiful faces to an issue I have long cared about was both heartbreaking and hopeful, in that these girls still laugh and play and love despite the atrocities they have lived through.

After playing tag and cards and eating with them, they asked me if they could wash and cut my hair.

As I stuck my head under a sink with freezing cold water and had four little hands gently massaging my scalp and pouring shampoo over my head, I almost started weeping. One of these girls had burns on her arm where cigarette butts had been put out.

These hands had every right to bring violence to anyone they touched. It would be completely justified, as touch has been such a horrible part of their history.

And yet, here they were….Bringing healing with their touch. Touching each others hands as they sat and talked, their arms around each others’ shoulders. Touching my heart by welcoming me with such open arms. And then gently touching the head of a stranger as if I was their good friend.

The words from the prologue of my book came to me as I was with these girls, with new clarity:

You are stronger than you think you are. 

You, your hands dirtied with the soil where you till up the rocks of generations gone by. Your tears watering the ground, making the roots grow deep and wide while you are unaware. You labor, you dig, you claw this tiny piece of land where others buried their dreams and gave up trying. 

But not you. You keep going.You never give up. You see the tree in the seed, and you will fight until that tree is standing before you, it’s long willowing arms grasping your hope in its branches. 

You are stronger than you think you are. 

You, covered in all your scars. Where your face was grazed with false imaginings that you were not beautiful enough. Where your hands were caught in fields of cotton when you didn’t believe you were free. Where you were marked across your chest the day you thought that they left because you weren’t worth it. Look closely, love. Look closely because those scars are gilded with gold. Those scars have become your crown. 

You are stronger than you think you are. 

You, dancing there with your face against the wind. Not a pretty dance, but a wild dance. A hold on for dear life to the hope dance. An I will never stop believing in your goodness dance. A shake the sadness off your skin dance. You, with your feet pounding against the ground to the rhythm of your unsurrenduring spirit. With your knees soiled and bleeding from the prayers and the longings and the times you almost gave up. With your arms thrown up in surrender and beckoning and awe. “You are my love!” you yell, “And I will never stop believing!” There is burning against your back as you lift up your face, because your wings are returning, love. Your wings are returning.

Look at me and believe now. You are stronger than you think you are. Stronger than you think you are. 

As they washed my hair, these girls were draining the dirt off of my often apathetic heart. A heart that often only looks at pain when it is my own pain. That I often pay attention to only when it is my own small tragedy that I am praying about.

The hope of these girls, who still love those around them despite the incredible pain they have endured, is the fabric that heaven is made of. That hope softened my heart and helped me to see the power that God has to restore, to wash clean.

God soften my heart. Allow me to touch people in beautiful ways like this. Allow me to pray for pain even when it is not my own.




(Yes she is both a writer and a musician)… buy her book/music and send her love and compliments!


Hi-Ya Haiyan

I am in awe, absolutely in awe of my life.  My dreams becoming fulfilled in the least likeliest of places, that is #yyc… Calgary.  The place where dreams come true? who knew…

Growing, learning, breathing, loving, becoming bolder, stronger, wiser… older….

I’m working for Samaritan’s Purse… it is an absolute privledge to get to daily contribute to being a Good Samaritan.  Caring for those who are beaten up, bruised, left for dead… cross the road, cross the ocean… either way I feel alive… We are in the middle of a huge disaster… 10,000 dead, 9.5 million affected… this morning someone asked me if I was ok with all the added stress.. I responded, I feel alive, maybe I do better work under pressure, but I feel as if I was born for this.. hopefully this will be me over there soon.. filming/photographing/assessing… hands on/on the ground but for now I get to contribute administratively from here.. Thank you Jesus.. I know there is more to come… Would He keep directing me, guiding me, and making a way for the things He put in my heart and on my life.


Calgary! How should we be managing our water?

I believe in being good stewards, good managers of what we have been given. From gardens, to permaculture, to conserving or reusing our water without harsh chemicals that have adverse health effects. Can we raise our voices to show concern and see change happen!


LandFill Harmonic

Inspiration for the day!

Gives a whole new meaning to “without music my life would be worthless!”

Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

Props to Mother Theresa

Imagine last night was incredible!  Props to Richie, the worship team, First Assembly, and the rest of the crew.

I don’t think there is anyone who needs God’s help and grace as much as I do.  Sometimes I feel so helpless and weak.  I think that is why God uses me. Because I cannot depend on my own strength.  I rely on Him twenty-four hours a day. If the day had even more hours, then I would need His help and grace during those hours as well.  –Mother Theresa

Compelled by love and Mother T

More inspiration of recent comes from Mother Theresa. I have been reading “Compelled by Love” by Heidi Baker, who I would term a modern day Mother Theresa. As we are getting ready to launch Imagine Church, it brings me back to the basics of the kingdom, and that social justice thing inside of me gets tinged: that sometimes things don’t just happen because they are right, or they should, but we get the beautiful opportunity to lay down our lives and love the one in front of us. Thanks for the reminder Mama Heidi and Mama T.

“When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor i wanted to give that person what he or she needed. We have refused to be instruments of love in the hands of God to give the poor a piece of bread, to offer them a dress with which to ward off the cold. It has happened because we did not recognize Christ when, once more, He appeared under the guise of pain, identified with man numb from the cold, dying of hunger, when He came in a lonely human being, in a lost child in search of a home.” –Mother Theresa


To my faithful intercessors

I thought I should throw up a quick update. I know alot of my faithful intercessors read my blog.

I decided to get eye surgery to correct my vision and some protein build up I had on my lens.  I had surgery last Thurs morning and since have been resting and recovering. It’s been shockingly hard recovery, mostly mentally for me.  And my vision has been somewhat fluctuating which has been a little disconcerting.  There was a definite turnaround the other day, (on thanksgiving which I am soo thankful for).  I have been able to do a little more than sleep and eat! Yea Jesus.

Thanks for prayer and like always I”m totally opening to encouragement and treasured words from you guys!

I love you guys and thanks for being a part of my life!


Anyone down for Loving People?

I feel like my l life is getting a bit on track again.  I watched Nefarious: Merchant of Souls last night and it seemed to have the effect of helping me remember what is important in life.  Giving me a little reminder into what the rest of the world’s daily struggles, which really puts mine into perspective. I was working with Human Trafficking in Redding, and I would love to work with similar stuff up here, find out what it looks like in our city.  For the moment I have taken a step back, just to breath a bit, rest and get restored.

I’ve made the transition, Getting settled here, Looking for a job, yes still looking…. and just realigning my heart with His.  Creating that space for my passion to be hot, my trust to be strong, and my heart alive.  “Guard your heart for it is the well-spring of life”: to me that has meant, spending alot of time with people who encourage and believe in me, trips to the mountains, learning new things, pursuing new experiences, being free, and laughing as often as possible.  Living inspired: for to me inspiration is the Holy Spirit, it is the breath of God.

Other exciting news.. I’m teaching a class this thurs at First Assembly!  Richie  from Tehilla Mondays has been teaching a Original Evangelism series (can’t remember the exact name) and he asked me to come in and do an art week. Essentially, how do you use art to love people well? I’m stoked to first figure that out and take a stab at imparting some of what I have poured my life into for the past 3 years.  If your in the Calgary area and want to come out, it’s an open class so please do! (6 pm at First Assembly off Elbow Dr). http://www.tehillahmonday.com/p/tm-teachings-

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Official Trailer from Exodus Cry on Vimeo.

Sing Freedom!

We are Free.  Shout, sing, join in with the birds, let your voice arise. Freedom is part of our destiny, it`s how we were created to live.

(click to go to our event page)

We Heart Christchurch

Friends down in Christchurch. Our hearts are with the people there!

Here is their website: http://weheartchristchurch.wordpress.com/

Made to be Free

“loose the chains of injustice” – “ease the plight of the oppressed”

I was laying on the ground today and came to the place yet again where I was so intimately aware that: I was made to be free.  It came after an announcement for our human trafficking film night we will be having later in the evening..  the diabolical reality of people who are enslaved.

I was made for and you were made to be free.  We don’t thrive in any other sort of situation.  I dislike control, I am repulsed by manipulation, I need to run, chase my passions, pursue God.. and where His spirit is there is freedom. It is an evidence of his presence.

BE FREE! You were created for it! When you are free you are fully alive and fully yourself! And that is social justice.  Be free so you can bring it to others.

Love Never Fails

Today is a day of celebrating love, people, relationship, so many good things!  Saint Valentine was a good man.  Love never fails.  Wow that one line has taken me through so many things. God is love, He never fails, love goes on into eternity, one act of love continually speaks life into someone, everytime they remember it they can again connect with that love shared!   That is the power of rememberance and testimony.  If you love someone, no matter if they get healed or not, you have not failed.  Love never fails!

I love you all! And may you feel HIS love in your spirit, in your body, in your emotions, in your whole being.  LOVE LOVE LOVE!


Anti-Human Trafficking

We are hosing another round of “Not Just Films” – bringing light to the issues through art and film.  This time we will be showing Not for Sale and having live performances included people like Kate Hurley formally from Enter the Worship Circle! It’s gonna be a fantastic, moving, creative, hope filled evening! If your in Redding, come on out, if not Pray for us!

What an adventure this life is! Wahoo I’m on the ride of my life!

Love love love

The Lion inside

Create, believe, inspire, feel, touch, share.  I am discovering what all is inside of me and I am discovering, I love letting it out.  I discovered I need to write more….

One recent dream fulfilled is I am helping Candace with a Freedom, Fullness, and Health AMT (advanced ministry training).  Pretty much we get to teach about abundance and divine health!   So fun.  I am getting an oppertunity to teach, tell my story, give insight, play games, empower my students and see them shine.  I want to see my students, where ever they are living healthy and full lifestyles! And of course, work with and serve Candace which is the greatest honor of all.  Oh Jesus.. It’s of course a sacrifice of time but i’m stoked! My voice gets to be heard! Kind of like how I heard this lions? .. maybe… hah!

His Current Grace

I miss you guys, it’s true. Currently I’m running wild and free. Social Justice is going wonderfully. I’m growing; the movement is growing; dreams are being realized and wow it’s a good journey, but everyday with Him is when we rejoice always. What a privilege to have such a good Father.

We have started a home group in my house called Gather-Justice House providing a hub for like-hearted people to meet and move towards together easing the plight of the oppressed, also every few months we are running Justice Film and Art Nights to reach, educate, involve the Redding community at large. i also counsel or coach students and meet with/serve/build relationship with different NGOs who are hungry for our students or kingdom culture here. Those are the biggies. I love every moment. I feel I am walking in my destiny

What else is going on? I’m working on raising funds.. I’m taking classes for photography and building a website. I’m getting more requests everyday! My cardline is still for sale. I’m working on a budget. Also I have upcoming trips. I have been invited to go to Iceland to minister at a ministry school and church there, also I have thoughts of joining a Bethel team in Nicaragua and ministering in trash dumps. I’m praying through what that looks like in relation to what I’m doing here with SJM (Social Justice Movement). The big news is I’m leading a lighthouse (an organization I am a core influencer for) team to Costa Rica to serve a couple of ministries and friends down there. Maybe all this travel sounds extravagant. I am so full, equipped, placed, empowered and so ready to see nations transformed. I am currently just praying through things, seeking guidance, stewarding favor I have been given…

Also, I currently need funds for living expenses. Food, housing, bills, car insurance. I’m budgeting around $1000 a month.  What is happening here is amazing, I’m beyond impressed and captivated by His grace and movement through my life. Wow I wasn’t expecting to write this, I have meant to write a support letter for months and here it comes out in my ramblings. If you would like more info email or contact me!

How you can support me? Prayer, book a photoshoot, buy cards (4 for $10), donate online.  Also feel free to let me know where you would like your donation to be applied.  Love you all!

Donate here (there is a small transaction fee on credit card), or you can do an online transfer, or send me a check in the mail.


Social Justice equals “love your neighbor as yourself.”

I want to create an entity that helps people do that.


I’m back and back in action!

Currently doing many things, one of which has been previewing videos for our next justice film and art night. Currently lots of my heart thoughts, emotional energy, prayer time has consisted of the issue of human trafficking… but what has been a moving, hope-filled, documentary you have seen lately? Any suggestions!?

Josh Garrels brings art and justice.




Snipits.  I want to rewrite the way social justice has been done.  Kingdom style.  I don’t want to degrade what others are doing, I don’t want to be defined by what I’m not, but for the sake of contrast, I’m not into food banks, I’m into multiplying food.  I’m not into activism, I’m into real change.  I’m into people, cities, and nations being transformed.  What if we actually believed the words Jesus said?

Jesus = Hope

Is “inspiration” and “encouragement” more than just a happy feeling? Does it bring real change?

Jesus always took care of what His Father brought to Him, so i’m ok with small beginnings.  These are random thoughts.  I love what i’m doing and i’m ready for rest.  Merry almost Christmas. I leave for Namibia on Monday. Love you guys.  What are your thoughts?

I surf because…


I Heart Art and Revolution

First major event launched by Justice House is tomorrow! I heart Art and Revolution.  Boom!


I love collage.  Many people, many voices, many works of art, together they all say something significant. They say that not one person has it all, we all need eachother and together we make something beautiful. I’ve been featuring things that have been inspiring me lately.  I guess it’s because collage is on my mind.  Here is the latest:

Imagine a world without poverty, where every individual has more than enough. From the beginning the plan of God was to destroy the works of the devil through His children. God could demolish all the evil on the earth with a snap of His fingers. But His purpose, all along, was to do it through His children. When God created Adam and Eve he told them, “be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over everything on the earth.” They were given authority over the earth and their commission was to take over the world, extending the dominion of God throughout creation. When they sinned they gave the authority over the earth away to Satan. When Jesus died on the cross He took all authority back and gave it back to us and said “the missions back on, Go therefore…”

As sons and daughters we have been given everything we need to transform our planet.The devil has been defeated. The Holy Spirit wants to restore hope to His people for this planet. The world is not getting worse, it is getting better. And it will continue to get better until the Kingdom of God is the largest entity on the earth. Then when we, the church, have been faithful to do what we have been called to do, our glorious King will return. The truth is: The church is advancing. The gates of hell will not prevail against it. Jesus isn’t coming back to rescue a bride in distress. He is coming back for a victorious bride.

-Benjamin Church

I heart Revolution

Last night after lighthouse I could barely sleep.  I so had moved my heart out of anything fear based and into thankfulness and praise.  I realized, my dreams are coming true!

I love to photograph but I also love to promote artists.  We are having our first of many Justice Film & Art Night.  It will look like a collage of voices, artists, Nonprofits, and my burnign convition that it takes everyone to reach everyone.  I just believe it’s possible to end poverty and all sorts of injustice! oh and My art cards will be for sale there!!

Dec 15, 7 pm
Great Room at Bethel

On FB more info HERE

Schedule of the night looks like art, non-profits, and showing the film I heart Revolution. All are welcome! More info on the film at iheartfilm.com.


This quote has been getting me lately, in a good way.

When you leave the concept of family you have left the concept of kingdom. –Bill Johnson

I’m building Justice House with this in mind.  What are your thoughts/reactions/processes to the quote?  How does it play out in your life?

The future is Ours

This inspired me this morning.  Here’s to a daily dose of being encouraged.

Throughout our human history there have been certain ones. Ones who have led the way to a better day. Who have risen from conformity to the status quo. Certain ones who would not be pushed around by the currents of their time. Certain ones who pushed back. And by their courage, conviction, focus and tenacity they have inspired the masses and have changed the course of world history. These certain ones are leaders.

Certain ones are born to be leaders. But they are not born leaders. They have to be forged into their destiny. They are forged through persevering in the face of trials. They are forged through never giving up. They are forged through staying the course in the midst of heartbreaks and uncertainties.

We are motivated by something greater than ourselves. We lay down our lives so that others may use us as a stepping stone to a greater existence. And we would have it no other way because in going low we find our fulfillment. Because that is what we were made for.

We march forward and forge a path to a better day. This is our world. This is our time. The future belongs to us.

-We are Lions – by Benjamin Church (edited by me)