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Hi-Ya Haiyan

I am in awe, absolutely in awe of my life.  My dreams becoming fulfilled in the least likeliest of places, that is #yyc… Calgary.  The place where dreams come true? who knew…

Growing, learning, breathing, loving, becoming bolder, stronger, wiser… older….

I’m working for Samaritan’s Purse… it is an absolute privledge to get to daily contribute to being a Good Samaritan.  Caring for those who are beaten up, bruised, left for dead… cross the road, cross the ocean… either way I feel alive… We are in the middle of a huge disaster… 10,000 dead, 9.5 million affected… this morning someone asked me if I was ok with all the added stress.. I responded, I feel alive, maybe I do better work under pressure, but I feel as if I was born for this.. hopefully this will be me over there soon.. filming/photographing/assessing… hands on/on the ground but for now I get to contribute administratively from here.. Thank you Jesus.. I know there is more to come… Would He keep directing me, guiding me, and making a way for the things He put in my heart and on my life.


Calgary! How should we be managing our water?

I believe in being good stewards, good managers of what we have been given. From gardens, to permaculture, to conserving or reusing our water without harsh chemicals that have adverse health effects. Can we raise our voices to show concern and see change happen!



Dead Raiser

DEAD RAISER (Official Trailer) HD from Mountain Light Cinema on Vimeo.

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This one is going to be controversial but I just had to post it. I would rather hear about what is possible or happening than closed off. I always want to be open to new experiences/ways of thinking/exploring something I may not know about as opposed to afraid or reactionary.

“That they may have life, and life to the full.”


Kids with Kompassion

As I do on this site… thought I would share something that inspired me today.

Wow… An incredible story of sacrifice and overwhelming love and commitment. Really the video says it all. Be inspired and have a tissue box near!

XO Jenny


The Sea Inbetween

It’s been a while! I have mostly been working… well actually working another job. Then took off to Europe for a month to decompress. Yes it was wonderful! Before that I was on a “wedding tour” of California. I had the privilege to go down and visit friends and celebrate their new life convenants. While there I happened to see Josh Garrells three times.. Yes three! Hah, my trip happened to follow his tour and friends were always down to go. Nonetheless, it was work every moment… He is absolutely doing something so inspirational with his music and life. I thought I would share the trailer as I await my full copy in the mail.

Hope you are enjoying your day or evening. Much love!

And yes.. once I receive it, you will all have to come over and partake in the glory with me!